名詞化文献リスト (2014年12月9日)
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Baker, Mark C. 2011. Degrees of nominalization: Clause-like constituents in Sakha. Lingua 121(7), 1164-1193.
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Bickel, Balthasar. 1999. Nominalization and focus in some Kiranti languges. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.) Topics in Nepalese Linguistics, 271-296. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy.
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Delancy, Scott. 2002. Relativization and nominalization in Bodic. BLS 28S (2002), 55-72.
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- - Deutscher, Guy. 2009. Nominalization and the origin of subordination. In Talmy Givon and Sibatani Masayoshi (eds) Syntactic comlexity: Diachrony, Acquisition, Neuro-cognition, Evolution, 199-214. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Genetti, Carol, A.R. Coupe, Ellen Bartee, Kristine Hildebrandt, and You-Jing Lin. 2008. Syntactic aspects of nominalization in five Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayan area. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 31.2, 97-143.
- - Genetti, Carol. 2011. Nominalization in Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayan area: A typological perspective. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 163-193. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Gildea, Spike. 2008. Explaining similarities between main clauses and nominalized phrases. Amérindia 32, 57-75.
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Hale, Ken. 2002. On the Dagur object relative: some comparative notes. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 11, 109-122.
- - Herring, Susan. 1991. Nominalization, relativization and attribution in Lotha, Angami and Burmese. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 14(1), 55-72.
- - Horie, Kaoru. 2008. The grammaticalization of nominalizers in Japanese and Korean: A contrastive study. In María José López-Couso & Elena Seoane (eds.) Rethinking Grammaticalization: New Perspectives, 169-187. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Horie, Kaoru. 2011. Versatility of nominalization: Where Japanese and Korean contrast. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 473-496. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Huziwara, Keisuke. 2011. Nominalization and related phenomena in Marma. In Gwendolyn Hyslop, Stephen Morey and Mark W. Post (eds.) North East Indian Linguistics, Volume 3, 105-119. Cambridge University Press India.
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Johns, Alana. 1992. Deriving Ergativity. Linguistic Inquirey, Vol. 23, No. 1, 57-87.
- - 影山太郎 2011. 『日英対照 名詞の意味と構文』 大修館書店.
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Kaufman, Daniel. 2009. Austronesian Nominalism and its consequences: A Tagalog case study. Theoretical Linguistics, 35-1, 1-49.
- - 風間伸次郎 2003. 「アルタイ諸言語の3グループ(チュルク,モンゴル,ツングース),及び朝鮮語,日本語の文法は本当に似ているのか:対照文法の試み」 アレキサンダアレキサンダー・ボビン,長田俊樹(編)『日本語系統論の現在』, 249-340.国際日本文化研究センター.
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風間伸次郎 2012. 「アルタイ型言アルタイ型言語における準動詞と言いさしについて」北方言語ネットワーク(編)『北方言語研究』第2号, 139-162. 北海道大学大学院文学研究科.
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Kishimoto, Hideki. 2006. Japanese syntactic nominalization and VP-internal syntax, Lingua 116(6), 771-810.
- - Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria. 1993. Nominalizations. Oxford: Routledge.
- - Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria. 2003. Action nominal constructions in the languages of Europe. In Frans Plank (ed.) Noun Phrase Structure in the Languages of Europe, 723-761. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- - Kornfilt, Jaklin. 2003. Subject case in Turkish nominalized clauses. In Junghanns, U., Szucsich, L. (eds.) Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information, 129-215. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
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Kornfilt, Jaklin, and John Whitman. 2011. Introduction: Nominalizations in syntactic theory. Lingua 121(7), 1160-1163.
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Kornfilt, Jaklin, and John Whitman. 2011. Afterword: Nominalizations in syntactic theory. Lingua 121(7), 1297-1313.
- - Kornfilt, Jaklin and John Whitman. 2012. Genitive subjects in TP nominalizations. SinSpeC : working Papers of the SFB 732, "Incremental Specification in Context," 9, 39-72. Stuttgart University.
- - LaPolla, R. J. 2008. Nominalization in Rawang. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 31(2), 45-66.
- - Malchukov, Andrej L. 2004. Nominalization / Verbalization: Constraining a Typology of Transcategorial Operations. Munich: LINCOM..
- - Malchukov, Andrej L. 2006. Constraining nominalization: function/form competition. Linguistics 44-5, 973-1009.
- - Matisoff, J. A. 1972. Lahu nominalization, relativization and genitivization. In J. Kimball (ed.) Syntax and Semantics Vol. 1, 237-257. New York, Seminar Press.
- - Miyagawa, S. 2011. Genitive subjects in Altaic and specification of phase. In Jaklin Kornfilt and John Whitman (eds.) Lingua Special Issue, Nominalization in Syntactic Theory, 1265-1282.
- - Morey, Stephen. 2011. Nominalization in Numphuk Singpho. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 289-311. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Noonan, Michael. 1997. Versatile nominalizations. In Joan Bybee, John Haiman, and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.) Essays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to T. Givón, 373-394. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Noonan, Michael. 2008. Nominalization in Bodic languages. In María José López-Couso & Elena Seoane (eds.) Rethinking Grammaticalization: New Perspectives, 219-237. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Noonan, Michael. 2011. Aspects of the historical development of nominalizers in the Tamangic languages. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 195-214. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Ntelitheos, Dimitris. 2005. Malagasy Instrumental Nominalizations. Handout of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Texas Linguistic Society (TLS 9), Morphosyntax of Underrepresented Languages, University of Texas at Austin, November 4-6, 2005.
- - Paul, Ileana. 2014. Cross-linguistic Investigations of Nominalization Patterns.
- - Post, Mark W. 2011. Nominalization and nominalization-based constructions in Galo. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 255-287. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Lees, Robert B. 1965. Turkish nominalizations and a problem of ellipsis. Foundations of Language 1:2, 112-121.
- - Rhee, Seongha. 2008. On the rise and fall of Korean nominalizers. In María José López-Couso & Elena Seoane (eds.) Rethinking Grammaticalization: New Perspectives, 239-264. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- -Sadock, Jerrold M. 1999. The Nominalist Theory of Eskimo: A Case Study in Scientific Self-Deception. International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 65, No. 4, 383-406.
- - Shibatani, Masayoshi. 2009. Elements of complex structures, Where recursion isn't: The case of relativization. In Talmy Givon and Sibatani Masayoshi (eds.) Syntactic comlexity: Diachrony, Acquisition, Neuro-cognition, Evolution, 163-198. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Simpson, Andrew. 2008. The grammaticalization of clausal nominalizers in Burmese. In María José López-Couso & Elena Seoane (eds.) Rethinking Grammaticalization: New Perspectives, 265-288. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Thinley, N. 2008. Dzongkha Nominalization. MA Thesis, La Trobe University.
- - Toorsarvandani, Maziar. 2013. Two types of deverbal nominalization in Northern Paiute.
- - Toorsarvandani, Maziar. 2013. The interpretation of deverbal nominalization in Northern Paiute.
- - Watters, David. 2008. Nominalization in the Kiranti and Central Himalayish languages of Nepal. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 31(2), 1-44.
- - Yap, Foong Ha and J. Wang. 2011. From light noun to nominalizer and more. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 61-107. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- - Yap, Foong Ha, Karen Grunow-Hårsta, and Janick Wrona. 2011. Introduction: Nominalization strategies in Asian languages. In Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta and Janick Wrona (eds.) Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, 1-57. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.