成果 Publications



風間伸次郎. 2012. 「アルタイ諸語における準動詞と言いさしについて」『北方文化研究』第2号,139-162.
岸本秀樹. 2012. 「日本語の等位節と情報構造」,遠藤喜雄(編)『談話のカートグラフィー 研究:主文現象と複文現象の統語を目指して(3)』(『言語科学研究』特別号),195-205.
Shiraishi, Hidetoshi. 2012. Prosodic restrictions on vowel deletion in Nivkh. In Jeroen van de Weijer and Tetsuo Nishihara (eds.) Current Issues in Japanese Phonology: Segmental Variation in Japanese, 89-106. Kaitakusha
西山國雄. 2012. 「活用形の形態論、統語論、音韻論、通時」,三原健一・仁田義雄(編)『活用論の前線』,153-189.くろしお出版.
早田輝洋. 2012. 「満洲語のn~φ交替の史的概觀」『ALTAI HAKPO / Journal of the Altaic Society of Korea』22号,93-110.
Fukui, Rei. 2012. Tongguk chongun and the phonological system of Middle Korean. Scripta, 4, 13-26.
Kornfilt, Jaklin and John Whitman. 2012. Genitive Subjects in TP Nominalizations. SinSpeC: working Papers of the SFB 732 "Incremental Specification in Context", 9, 39-72.
Whitman, John, Yuko Yanagida. 2012. The formal syntax of alignment change. In Charlotte Galves, Sonia Cyrino, Ruth Lopes, Filomena Sandalo, Juanita Avelar (eds.) Parameter Theory & Linguistic Change, 177-195. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Whitman, John. 2012. Misparsing and syntactic reanalysis. In Ans van Kemenade and N. de Haas (eds.). Historical Linguistics 2009: Selected Papers from the 19th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, 69-88. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
Whitman, John, Redouane Djamouri and Waltraud Paul. 2013. Postpositions vs. prepositions in Mandarin Chinese: The articulation of disharmony. In Theresa Biberauer (ed.) Theoretical Approaches to Disharmonic Word Order, 74-105. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Redouane Djamouri, Waltraud Paul and John Whitman. 2013. Syntactic change in Chinese and the argument-adjunct asymmetry. In Cao Guangshun, H. Chappell, R. Djamouri, and T. Wiebusch (eds.) Breaking down the barriers: Interdisciplinary studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond [Language and Linguistics monograph series 50], vol.2, 577-594. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
Whitman, John, Andrew Joseph. 2013. The diachronic consequences of the RTR analysis of Tungusic vowel harmony. In Umut Özge (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, 159-176. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.
Whitman, John. 2013. The prehead relative clause problem. In Umut Özge (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, 361-180. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.


白石英才、ガリーナ・ローク. 2012. 『ニヴフ語音声資料9 ヤルチュク』札幌:札幌学院大学.
福井玲. 2013. 『韓国語音韻史の探求』東京:三省堂.



天野みどり. 2014. 「接続助詞的な「のが」の節の文」,益岡隆志他(編)『日本語複文構文の研究』,ひつじ書房.2014.
天野みどり. 2014.「サマ主格変遷構文の意味と類推拡張 -「のが」型の主要部内在型関係節文と接続助詞的な「のが」文-」,『表現学部紀要 』14号,27-40.
Ito, Chiyuki. 2013. Korean Accent: Internal Reconstruction and Historical Development. Korean Linguistics 15:2, Special Issue on Korean Historical Linguistics, 129-198.
Kim-Renaud, Young-Key and John Whitman. 2013. Introduction. Korean Linguistics 15:2, Special Issue on Korean Historical Linguistics, 125-128.
Kishimoto, Hideki. (印刷中) Exclamatives and nominalization in Japanese. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 9).
田村雅史. 2014. 「アイヌ語白糠方言におけるtekの用法」『北海道立アイヌ民族文化研究センター研究紀要』第20号.
Jin, Yinji. (印刷中) Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Late Middle Korean. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 9).
Nagasaki, Iku. 2014. Relative Clauses in Kolyma Yukaghir. Asian and African Languages and Linguistics 8, 79-98. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
Nishiyama, Kunio. (印刷中) The development of Japanese no: Grammaticalization, degrammaticalization, or neither? Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 9).
早田輝弘. 2013. 「清朝時代の満洲語の語末狭母音 ―現代シベ語の弱化母音と比較して―」『水門(みなと)/言葉と歴史』第25号,5-15.
早田輝弘. 2013. 「『滿文原檔』の言語的時代區分のために ―重複部分の比較から―」『PROCEEDINGS of the 11th Seoul International Altaistic Conference / Synchronic and diachronic studies on Altaic languages』
ブガエワ・アンナ. 2013. 「アイヌ語は日本語に似たようなものか?」『NINJALフォーラムシリーズ 3 第5回 NINJALフォーラム 日本語新発見 ―世界から見た日本語―』,29-36.
ブガエワ・アンナ. 2014. 児島康宏・長崎郁(翻訳) 「北海道南部のアイヌ語」『早稲田大学高等研究所紀要』第6号,33-76.
Bugaeva, Anna and John Whitman. (印刷中) Deconstructing clausal noun modifying constructions. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 23. Stanford: CSLI.
ブガエワ・アンナ. 2014. 「アイヌ語における使役構文」,北方言語ネットワーク(編)『北方言語研究』第4号,127-147.札幌:北海道大学大学院文学研究科.
Whitman, John. 2014. Review of A history of the Korean language, by Ki-Moon Lee and S. Robert Ramsey. Korean Linguistics 15:2, 246-259.
Iwasaki, Shoichi & Noriko Yoshimura. (印刷中) Distributional patterns of ga and no in four varieties of the Japonic Languages. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 21. Stanford, California: CSLI.
Yoshimura, Noriko & Shoichi Iwasaki. (印刷中) Cross-dialectal patterns of focus marking in Japanese copular constructions. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 9)>.


Kim-Renaud, Young-Key and John Whitman (eds.) 2013. Korean Linguistics 15:2, Special Issue on Korean Historical Linguistics..



Ko, Seongyeon, Andrew Joseph, and John Whitman. 2014. Comparative consequences of the tongue root harmony analysis for proto-Tungusic, proto-Mongolic, and proto-Korean. In Martine Robbeets and Balthazar Bickel (eds.) Paradigm change in the Transeurasian languages and beyond, 141-176. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Whitman, John, and Yanagida, Yuko. To appear 2014. A Korean grammatical borrowing in Early Middle Japanese kunten texts and its relation to the syntactic alignment of earlier Korean and Japanese. In Nam, Seungho, Ko, Heejeong, and Jun, Jongho (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics 21. Stanford: CSLI.
Frellesvig, Bjarke, John Whitman. (印刷中) The Historical Source of the Bigrade Transitivity Alternations in Japanese. In Taro, Kageyama and Wesley, Jacobson (eds.) Valency Alternations in Japanese. Mouton de Gruyter.
Yun, Jiwon, Chen, Zhong, Hunter, Tim, Whitman, John, and Hale, John. (印刷中) Uncertainty in processing relative clauses across East Asian languages. Journal of East Asian Linguistics.
ジョン・ホイットマン. (印刷中)「いわゆる アジア式関係節 について」, 深田智,西田光一,田村敏広(編)『言語研究の視座』, 188-203. 東京:開拓社.
ジョン・ホイットマン. (印刷中)「ラテン語教典の読法と仏典の訓」, 新川登亀男(篇)『文明移動としての「仏教」上〜造形・言語・文字』. 東京:勉誠出版.
John Whitman. (印刷中) Old Korean. In Brown, Lucien and Jae Hoon Yeon (eds.) The Handbook of Korean Linguistics. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
小山内優子. 2014. 「中期朝鮮語における2つの補文節について」『国立国語研究所論集』7, 187-198.


ブガエワ・アンナ,遠藤志保,赤瀬川史朗. 2015. 『トピック別アイヌ語会話辞典』(日本語版),国立国語研究所.



Kishimoto, Hideki. 2015. Exclamatives and Nominalization in Japanese. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL9), 159-170.
Yoshimura, Noriko & Shoichi Iwasaki. 2015. Cross-Dialectal Patterns of Focus Marking in Japanese Copular Constructions. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL9), 183-196.
Nishiyama, Kunio. 2015. The Development of Japanese No: Grammaticalization, Degrammaticalization, or Neither. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL9), 259-270.