書 籍
論 文
ハドソン, マーク. 言語学からみた日本列島の先史時代. はじめて出会う日本考古学. 有斐閣アルマ. 1999; 191-211.
Yan-ping Wang, Chay Bounphanousay, Kongphanh Kanyavong, Ikuo Nakamura, Yo-Ichiro Sato, Tadashi Sato, Hong-Sheng Zhang, Ling-hua Tang, Ryuji Ishikawa. Population structural analysis of an in-situ conservation site for wild rice in Laos. Genes & Genetic Systems. 2012; 87: 311-322.
Waters, D. L. E., CJ. Nock, R. Ishikawa, N. Rice, and RJ. Henry. Chloroplast genome sequence confirms distinctness of Australian and Asian wild rice. Ecology and Evolution. 2012; 2: 211-217.
Whitman, John. Northeast Asian Linguistic Ecology and the Advent of Rice Agriculture in Korea and Japan. Rice. 2011; 4(3-4): 149-158.