• 開催日時

    平成31年1月26日 (土) ~ 平成31年1月27日 (日)

  • 開催会場

    国立国語研究所 講堂 (東京都立川市緑町10-2)

  • 班名・リーダー名

    「動詞の意味構造」班  松本 曜 (国立国語研究所 理論・対照研究領域 教授)

  • 参加申込



  • 概要

How languages describe spatial motion events has been intensively studied in recent years in cognitive linguistics and linguistic typology, motivated to test the hypothesis in which languages can be categorized in terms of how Path of motion is expressed (Talmy 1990, 2000). However, languages in fact exhibit much more variations. In addition, the descriptions of motion event must consider different types of Path and Deixis, with the latter playing an important role in characterizing motion event descriptions in some languages like Japanese. NINJAL Project on Motion Event Descriptions has looked at motion event descriptions in 20 languages in terms of this broadened perspective, based on the data obtained in a video-based experimental method.


  • Invited speakers

Jürgen BOHNEMEYER (State University of New York)

Benjamin FAGARD (CNRS, ENS & Université Paris 3 Sorbonne nouvelle)


  • Program

January 26th
Session 1: moderator: Kaz Kawachi
9:30 Introduction: Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)
10:15 German: Ryosuke Takahashi (Sophia University)
10:45 Russian: Anna Bordilovskaya (Rikkyo University) and Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)
11:15 General discussion

(break 11:20-11:30)

11:30 Path: Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)

Lunch break (12:10-13:10)

Session 2: moderator: Miho Mano
13:10 Invited talk Benjamin Fagard
14:10 French: Takahiro Morita (Kyoto University)
14:40 Spanish: Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (Zaragoza University)
15:10 Italian: Yuko Yoshinari (Gifu University)
15:40 General Discussion

(break 15:45~15:50)

Session 3: Posters (15:50-16:35)
Japanese: Hiroaki Koga (Keio University):
Khorchin Mongolian: Badema (University of Inner Mongolia) and Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)
Mandarin Chinese: Miyuki Kojima (Kansai University)
French Basque: Masayuki Ishizuka (University of Tokyo)
Interactional Nature of Deixis: Haiyan Xia (Kanagawa University) and Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)

(break 16:35-16:40)

Session 4: moderator Hiroaki Koga
16:40 Manner: Takahiro Morita (Kyoto University)
17:20 Sidaama: Kazuhiro Kawachi (National Defense Academy of Japan)
17:50 Mombasa Swahili: Monica Kahumburu (Catholic Univ. of Eastern Africa) and Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)
18:20 Discussion
18:25 Reception
20:00 end

January 27th
Session 5: moderator Kiyoko Takahashi
9:30 Deixis: Hiroaki Koga (Keio University)
10:10 Hungarian: Kiyoko Eguchi (Miyazaki University)
10:40 Kathmandu Newar: Ikuko Matsuse (Center for Newar Studies)
11:10 Kupsapiny: Kazuhiro Kawachi (Defense Academy of Japan)
11:40 Discussion

Lunch (11:50-12:50)

Session 6: moderator Yo Matsumoto
12:50 Jürgen Bohnemeyer “The macro-event property in the motion domain and beyond: New perspectives”
13:50 Causation: Miho Mano (Naruto University of Education) and Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)

(break 14:30-14:45)
Session 7: moderator Takahiro Morita
14:45 Tagalog: Naonori Nagaya (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
15:15 Ilocano: Kyosuke Yamamoto (Kyoto University)
15:45 Thai: Kiyoko Takahashi (Kanda University of International Studies)
16:15 Discussion

(break 16:20-16:35)
Session 7: moderator Yo Matsumoto
16:35 Vision: Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL)
17:05 General discussion

17:30 end

国際シンポジウム Motion Event Descriptions across Languages (MEDAL) 開催のお知らせ