Specific Instructions for Oral presenters

Each talk is 45 or 60 minutes long including the time for questions and comments. Please aim to speak for up to 30 or 45 minutes and leave 15 minutes for questions and comments.

A projector will be available at the conference. If you are doing a PowerPoint presentation, it would be best if you use your own laptop, as there may be problems (with alignment, fonts, etc.) if you switch computers, but if you wish, we would be happy to lend you a laptop. If this is your preference, please let us know in advance whether you need PC/Windows or Mac.

We strongly encourage you to make a handout for your talk. If you prepare your handout, please send the pdf file to ninjal_icpp at ninjal.ac.jp (replace at with @) by December 9, possibly including selected slides of your presentation. We will make copies and bring them to the registration desk at the beginning of the morning session of your presentation day.

Specific Instructions for Poster Presenters

Your poster should be in English and maximally A0 size, i.e., 118.9 cm (wide) by 84.1 cm (high), either in landscape or portrait format. You will have a poster board this size to display your poster (more about this below).

Please try to use a large font size in your poster, so that the audience can easily understand your poster when they stand, say, 1 meter away from it.

Posters can be affixed to the board with pins. We will prepare sufficient pins for each poster.

Poster presentations are divided into two groups, Poster session 1 (Day 1) and Poster session 2 (Day 2), and numbered sequentially in each group (e.g., “1-1” for Day 1, and “2-1” for Day 2). Please check your poster number in the program in advance.

Please affix your poster to the board prior to the poster session on the day of the presentation. Please make sure to use the board marked with your poster number.

You can keep your poster on the board until the end of the final session of the day.

Please feel free to distribute subsidiary materials such as handouts, photocopies of your poster, and copies of your paper. You can also use your laptop computer if you find it helpful.

Please let us know in advance if you want to borrow any special devices from us such as speakers or extension cords (for electricity).

Poster times:
In all poster sessions, presenters with odd-numbered posters are required to be at their
poster during the first 50 minutes of the session, and presenters with even-numbered
posters are required to be at their poster during the last 50 minutes of the session.


NINJAL ICPP 2019 is jointly organized by NINJAL’s collaborative research project “Cross-Linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar” and by UCSC’s grant on SPOT (Syntax-Prosody in OT), supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant to NINJAL and NSF grant to UCSC.