For Specialists

  • International Symposia

    The Institute holds international symposia dealing with topics of current interest on which cutting-edge research is being carried out within the Institute and in collaboration with other institutions. By involving researchers from abroad, the symposia serve to deepen understanding of the issues and to communicate recent advances to the international scholarly community.

  • NINJAL Colloquia

    The NINJAL Colloquium series invites distinguished domestic and foreign researchers to talk about cutting-edge research findings in various fields of Japanese language, linguistics, and Japanese language education. The colloquia are open to the public, so please feel free to join us whether you are a teacher or a graduate student.

  • NINJAL Tutorials

    NINJAL aims to train and support the next generation of researchers by instructing early-career researchers and others in the latest research results and research methods in the fields of Japanese language studies, linguistics, and Japanese language education.

  • NINJAL Salons

    The NINJAL Salon provides an opportunity primarily for researchers working at the Institute (including project collaborators) to introduce their work to colleagues and exchange information. Attendance from outside is also welcomed.

  • Project Meetings

    Each project group holds a meeting or symposium several times a year at which interim reports on the collaborative research are presented.

  • Other Events

    These are research events in collaboration with the National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU), and events jointly sponsored with related academic associations, etc.