Sound charts for Ling 103
This webpage is for LING103 students who are going to take production/transcription exams from me. Please note that my pronunciations carry no particular authority. The charts here are also slightly different from the official IPA ones as I added some sounds that my students will be tested on.
**I recorded these sounds many years ago and I realized that some don't sound great to me now. I'll try to record again sometime soon!
Devoiced/voiceless | Linguolabial | ||||||||
Voiceless aspirated | Labialized | ||||||||
Voiced aspirated* | Palatalized | ||||||||
Rhotacized/r-colored | Pharyngealized & velarized/pharyngealized [l] | ||||||||
Breathy | Nasalized | ||||||||
Creaky | Unreleased |
*Voiced aspiration can also be marked with a superscripted [h]. Here, I used the voiced glottal fricative.
High tone | Rising tone | Primary stress on the initial syllable | |||||||||||
Low tone | Falling tone | Primary stress on the last syllable |
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