Sound charts for Ling 103
This webpage is for LING103 students who are going to take production/transcription exams from me. Please note that my pronunciations carry no particular authority. The charts here are also slightly different from the official IPA ones as I added some sounds that my students will be tested on.
**I recorded these sounds many years ago and I realized that some don't sound great to me now. I'll try to record again sometime soon!
Bilabial | Labiodental | Dental | Alveolar | Postalveolar | Retroflex | Palatal | Velar | Uvular | Pharyngeal | Glottal | ||||||||||||
Plosive | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Nasal | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Trill | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Tap/Flap | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Fricative | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Lateral fricative |
Approx- imant |
Lateral approx- imant |
*Sounds transcribed with the palatal plosive symbols have a very wide range of sounds and even phoneticians don't seem to totally agree on what they are supposed to sound like. Just remember what mine sounds like.
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