Text Data Sets for Research on the History of Japanese

> Japanese 

This website provides the data sets (txt, xml, etc.) for research on the history of Japanese.



Transcription (txt) of “Contemptus Mundi [HAB copy]” been released.


The transcribed text (txt) of “Nihongo shoho [Hawai Kyōikukyoku]” been released.


English version website has been released.


The transcribed text (txt) of “Nihongo tokuhon, jinjōkayō [Hawai Kyōikukai, 1917 edition]” has been released.

News Archive

Kunten Shiryō 訓点資料

Saidaiji-bon konkōmyō saishōō-kyō heian shoki-ten (Volume 1)  西大寺本金光明最勝王経平安初期点(巻一)txt

Christian Materials (Kirishitan Shiryō) キリシタン資料

Feiqe no monogatari (The Tale of the Heike) [Amakusa edition] 大英図書館所蔵 天草版平家物語txt

Esopo no fabulas (Aesop's Tales) [Amakusa edition] 大英図書館所蔵 天草版伊曽保物語txt

Contemptus Mundi [HAB copy] コンテムツス・ムンヂ(ヘルツォーク・アウグスト図書館所蔵本 )txt

Dictionary and Vocabulary 辞書類

Wamyō ruijushō [Early movable type printing] 二十巻本和名類聚抄[古活字版]txt

Shokoku hōgen butsurui shōko 諸国方言物類称呼txt

Tetsugaku jii 哲学字彙txt

Share-bon and Ninjō-bon 洒落本・人情本

Yoshiwara yōji 吉原楊枝txt

Urazato tokijirō akegarasu nochi no masayume 浦里時次郎明烏後の正夢txt

Kosan kingorō kanamajiri musume setsuyō 小三金五郎仮名文章娘節用txt

Shunshoku umegoyomi 春色梅児与美txt

Umegoyomi yokyō shunshoku tatsumi no sono 梅暦余興春色辰巳園txt

Ukiyo shingata koi no hanazome 浮世新形恋の花染txt

Hiyoku renri hana no shimadai 比翼連理花廼志満台txt

Shunshoku renri no ume 春色連理の梅txt

Okumi sōjirō shunshoku edomurasaki おくみ惣次郎春色江戸紫txt

The Tale of Genji 源氏物語

Transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript book at the Library of Congress 米国議会図書館蔵『源氏物語』翻字本文 (External Site)txt

Japanese Language School Textbooks 日本語読本

Nihongo tokuhon, jinjōkayō [Hawai Kyōikukai, 1917 edition] 日本語読本 尋常科用[布哇教育会第1期]txt

Nihongo tokuhon [Hawai Kyōikukai, 1929 edition] 日本語読本[布哇教育会第2期]txt

Nihongo tokuhon [Hawai Kyōikukai, 1936 edition] 日本語読本[布哇教育会第3期]txt

Nihongo shoho [Hawai Kyōikukyoku] 日本語初歩[布哇教育局]txt


Regarding the content published on this site (www2.ninjal.ac.jp), please contact the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics.

For content published on external sites (domains other than www2.ninjal.ac.jp), please contact the operators of those sites.
