Adobe-PDF-Document-icon.pngのサムネイル画像 September 20, 2015: Some posters and slides used at GemCon are available from here.


ICPhS 2015 Satellite Workshop on ‘Geminate Consonants across the World’

GemCon 2015 successfully finished! We would like to thank all the participants for their great contributions!


Geminate consonants are found in many languages around the world including, but not restricted to, Arabic, Bengali, Berber, Finnish, Italian, Japanese, Saami, and Swiss German. Yet, their phonetic manifestation and phonological nature are not fully understood, much less their cross-linguistic similarities and differences. For example, some languages shorten pre-geminate vowels, whereas other languages lengthen pre-geminate vowels. The aim of this workshop is to bring together scholars interested in geminate consonants to discuss singleton/geminate contrast from multiple perspectives—phonetic, phonological, morphological and typological. The workshop will consist of two parts: an oral session featuring invited talks and a poster session for which abstracts are solicited from scholars around the world.


▪ Haruo Kubozono (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
▪ Shigeto Kawahara (Keio University)
▪ Rachid Ridouane (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Keynote speakers

▪ Olga Dmitrieva (Purdue University) [abstract][slides]
▪ Yukari Hirata (Colgate University) [abstract][slides]
▪ Shigeto Kawahara (Keio University) [abstract][slides]
▪ Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford) [abstract][slides]
▪ Rachid Ridouane (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle) [abstract][slides]

Sponsor: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)

Click here to visit the ICPhS 2015 website.