You can download the timetable in pdf here!!

A little warning about lunch: We strongly recommend that you bring your lunch both days, because on-campus cafeterias are closed on the weekend and there are very few places near the venue where you can get lunch!!!

January 8 (Sat)

Opening remarks (10:00-)

Session 1 (10:10-12:00)
大高 博美(関西学院大学)ABSTRACT
   (The rhythmic substance of geminate consonants in Japanese)
那須 昭夫(筑波大学)ABSTRACT
  「オノマトペの促音」(Geminates in Japanese mimetics)

Session 2 (13:30-15:20)
ヤーッコラ 伊勢井 敏子(中部大学/ヘルシンキ大学)ABSTRACT
   (A comparison of gemination in Finnish and Japanese)
Shigeto Kawahara, Melanie Pangilinan, and Kelly Garvey (Rutgers University) ABSTRACT
   "Spectral continuity and the perception of duration:
   Implications for phonological properties of geminates"

Session 3 (15:50-17:40)
Kaori Idemaru (University of Oregon) ABSTRACT
   "Acoustic covariants of the Japanese geminate/singleton contrast and
   their relative perception"
Yukari Hirata (Colgate University) and Shigeaki Amano (Aichi Shukutoku University) ABSTRACT
   "Duration of Japanese single/geminate stops in three- and four-mora words"

General discussion (17:40-18:00)
Party (18:00-)

January 9 (Sun)

Session 4 (10:00-12:00)
窪薗 晴夫(国立国語研究所)・竹安 大(三重大学)・儀利古 幹雄(国立国語研究所)ABSTRACT
   (On the ‘positional effect’ on consonant gemination in Japanese)
松井 理直(大阪保健医療大学)ABSTRACT
   (On perceptual cues of Japanese geminate fricatives)

Session 5 (13:30-16:40)
田中 真一(神戸大学)ABSTRACT
   (Perception of Italian geminate consonants by Japanese speakers)
川越 いつえ(京都産業大学)・竹村 亜紀子(神戸大学人文学研究科研究員)ABSTRACT
   (Geminate perception of English-like words by Japanese native speakers:
   Differences in the borrowed forms of ‘stuff’ and ‘tough’)
加藤 宏明(NICT/ATR)・鮮 干媚(早稲田大学)・田嶋 圭一(法政大学)
山田 玲子(ATR Learning Technology)・匂坂 芳典(早稲田大学)ABSTRACT
   (Non-native perception and learning of phonemic length contrasts in Japanese:
   A comparison between English and Korean speakers)

General discussion (16:40-17:00)
Business meeting for the next conference (17:00-17:30)
Farewell (17:30)