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NINJAL Typology Festa 3Program


9:50-10:00 Welcome

10:00-10:45 Hidetoshi Shiraishi (Sapporo Gakuin University) Stress-dependent harmony in Ainu and Nivkh

Abstract: Vowel co-occurrence restrictions have been known to exist in Ainu and Nivkh, two geographically neighboring languages in northeast Asia. These restrictions have been described independently as vowel harmony by Mashiho Chiri (1952) and Takeshi Hattori (1962), respectively. Yet after half a century since their findings, efforts to locate these restrictions on a typological chart have been sparse. This presentation aims at revealing the nature of the co-occurrence restrictions on vowel sequences in disyllabic words in Ainu and Nivkh, in light of recent typological findings on this topic. It will be shown that the two languages exhibit common characteristics such as a dispreference for high vowel - non-high vowel sequence in a disyllabic foot domain. Finally, we consider why the two languages came to exhibit a similar co-occurrence restriction, despite the difference in their stress (rhythm) pattern, which is iambic in Ainu and trochaic in Nivkh.

10:45-11:30 John Whitman (NINJAL) Tongue root harmony as an areal feature in Northeast Asia

Abstract: In a seminal paper. Janhunen (1981) argued that the vowel harmony systems of eastern North Asia display "apertural" vowel harmony, while those of the western part of the region show palatal (back : front) harmony. Apertural is a term that can refer both to height harmony and to tongue root harmony, of the kind found in the Central Sudanic belt of Africa (Clements and Rialland 2008, Hyman 2011) and North America. Janhunen included among the families displaying apertural harmony, Chukotko-Kamchatkan, Nivkh, Tungusic, and Korean. Recent research has suggested that of these, at least Chukotko-Kamchatkan, Tungusic, and Korean should be analyzed as tongue root harmony (Bobaljik 2009, Li 1996, Zhang 1996, Kim 1991, Ko 2010), at least from a diachronic standpoint. More recently, Ko et al (2014, to appear) have argued that in addition to the languages above, vowel harmony in Mongolic, Nivkh, and Yukaghir should also be analyzed as tongue root harmony, most probably with [R(etracted) T(ongue) R(oot)] as the dominant feature. Tongue root harmony is acknowledged as a possible analysis for Yukaghir by Maslova (2003) and generally recognized for modern Mongolic languages outside of Oirat (Svantesson et al 2005).

If Ko et al are right, tongue root harmony is a characteristic feature of Northeast Asia, extending somewhat further west than in Jahunen's original scheme, comparable to the extent of tongue harmony in Central Africa. But the Northeast Asian situation shows important differences: [RTR] appears to be the dominant feature, while [A(dvanced) T(ongue) R(oot)] dominance is more widespread in Central Africa, and the vowel inventories in Northeast Asia are generally sparser. This talk will explore the status of [RTR] harmony as an areal feature in Northeast Asia, and will discuss several diagnostics for identifying it. It will also touch briefly on the relevance of an apertural harmony analysis for earlier Japanese.

References Bobaljik, Jonathan. 2009. Disharmony and decay: Itelmen vowel harmony in the Soviet period. Ms. University of Connecticut.
Clements, G. N., and Rialland, Annie. 2008. Africa as a phonological area. In A Linguistic Geography of Africa, B. Heine & D. Nurse (eds.), 36-85. Cambridge University Press.
Hyman, Larry. 2011. The Macro-Sudan belt and Niger-Congo reconstruction. Language Dynamics & Change 1.1, 3-49.
Janhunen, Juha. 1981. Korean vowel system in North Asian perspective. Hangeul 172: 129-146.
Kim, Juwon. 1993. Moumcohwauy yenku [A study on vowel harmony in Korean]. Kyeungsan, Korea: Yeungnam University Press.
Ko, Seongyeon. 2010. A contrastivist view on the evolution of the Korean vowel system. In MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 61: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 6), Hiroki Maezawa & Azusa Yokogoshi (eds.), 181-196.
Ko, Seongyeon, Joseph, Andrew, and Whitman, John. Comparative consequences of the tongue root harmony analysis for proto-Tungusic, proto-Mongolic, and proto-Korean (with Seongyeon Ko and Andrew Joseph). To appear, 2014. In Robbeets, Martine, and Walter Bisang (eds.) Paradigm change in the Transeurasian languages and beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamns.
Li, Bing. 1996. Tungusic Vowel Harmony: Description and Analysis. HIL Dissertations 18. Dordrecht: Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics.
Svantesson, Jan-Olof, Tsendina, Anna, Karlsson, Anastasia
M., & Franzén, Vivan. 2005. The Phonology of Mongolian. Oxford University Press.
Maslova, Elena. 2003. A Grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Zhang, Xi. 1996. Vowel Systems of the Manchu-Tungus Languages of China. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto.

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-12:30 小林美紀(千葉大学、国立国語研究所)「アイヌ語の自他同形動詞」

要旨:アイヌ語の自他同形の動詞は、roski「立つ(複数) 」「立てる(複数)」といった例外的な語を除いてはほとんど確認されていなかった。しかし、アイヌ語の話者として若い世代の言葉には、これ以外にも自他同形の語が数は多くないが確認されることを述べる。それはこれまで同一語根から派生した自動詞と他動詞の対として知られていた類の動詞の一部であり、そのどちらか一方の形態が自動詞としても他動詞としても機能している。

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:15 砂川有里子(筑波大学)「多義動詞の語義分類と語釈の辞書記述─「かぶる」の事例から─」


14:15-15:00 籾山洋介(名古屋大学)「多義語分析の課題と方法」


15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-16:00 今井新悟(筑波大学)「辞書項目記述におけるコーパス検索ツール(NLB、NLT)の利用の提言」

要旨:現在「基本動詞ハンドブック」の執筆が続いている。このハンドブックでは、コロケーションの情報を豊富に取り入れている。コロケーションは語義の決定にも重要な役割を果たす。コロケーションの収集には、これまでコンコーダンサ型のコーパス検索ツールが使われてきたが、レキシカルプロファイリングによる検索ツールを使うことにより、コロケーションの収集の効率が上がる。レキシカルプロファイリングによる検索ツールであるNINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ、NINJAL-LWP for Tsukuba Web Corpusを使い、辞書に記述するべきコロケーションの選定方法、コロケーションを利用した語義の記述方法について論ずる。

16:00-16:45 プラシャント・パルデシ(国立国語研究所)、今村泰也(国立国語研究所)「基本動詞ハンドブックの現状と例文データバンク構築の構想」


16:45-17:00 Break

17:00-18:00 <招待講演> 飯間浩明(『三省堂国語辞典』編集委員) 「辞書を作りながら悩むこと」

