「日本語から生成文法理論へ : 統語理論と言語獲得」研究発表会

日本語から生成文法理論へ : 統語理論と言語獲得
村杉 恵子 (南山大学 外国語学部 教授)
平成29年12月9日 (土),10日 (日) 10:00~18:00
国立国語研究所 2F 多目的室 (東京都立川市緑町10-2)



平成29年12月9日 (土)


“Labeling, Scope, and Unaccusativity” 奥 聡 (北海道大学 教授)

I will first argue that QR (in English) is allowed via interaction of labeling and the semantic property of QPs, and then show that some cases of “preferred” inverse scope (in Japanese) are actually based on their underlying structure of unaccusative sentences.

“On the Optionality of Raising in the Japanese ECM Construction” 高橋 真彦 (山形大学 講師)

I examine some arguments in the literature that accusative subjects in Japanese ECM constructions optionally undergo raising to object and argue that the relevant observations can be analyzed even if we assume that raising to object is obligatory. I also discuss some implications of the proposed analysis.


“Nominative/Genitive Conversion and Feature Inheritance” 越智 正男 (大阪大学 准教授)

This presentation addresses several questions posed by Nominative/Genitive Conversion (NGC) in Japanese. What is the mechanism behind the case alternation? Why is NGC restricted to internal arguments in certain environments (Miyagawa 2012)? I will argue that we may find keys to resolving such issues by assessing how Feature Inheritance (Chomsky 2008, Miyagawa 2010 among others) operates.

“The Semantics of NPs in NP Languages” 和泉 悠 (南山大学 准教授)

Since Bertrand Russell’s “On Denoting” (1905), it has been common practice to define a definite description in purely formal terms: a phrase starting with a definite article (e.g., “the”) followed by a noun phrase (e.g., “present king of France”). Then, what is a definite description in presumably articleless languages such as Japanese and Chinese? This paper examines some of the challenges that need to be overcome to provide a compositional semantics for bare noun phrases under the assumption that bare nouns are really bare, lacking silent structure.


“Labels, Movement, and Islands” Zeljko BOSKOVIC (University of Connecticut 教授)

The island effects observed with movement have long been investigated. With the minimalist assumptions, they must optimally follow from the interaction of labeling and Transfer operations. This talk presents a concrete hypothesis along this line and tries to capture some cross-linguistic variations at the same time.

平成29年12月10日 (日)


“The Syntax of Multiple Fragments in Korean: Scrambling, Overt Absorption, and Max-Elide” Myung-Kwan PARK (Dongguk University 教授)

This talk is to provide an analysis of Korean MF sentences, showing that multiple answer phrases initially undergo overt absorption, and the rest of the sentence that they escape from undergo the subsequent TP ellipsis. Meanwhile, since QR feeding into absorption is clause-bounded, when an answer phrase is embedded within an island structure like a relative clause, it takes a pied-piping strategy, thus the larger constituent containing it enters into post-QR absorption with another answer phrase remnant.

“Children’s Knowledge about VP-ellipsis in English and Japanese” 杉崎 鉱司 (関西学院大学 教授)

In this study, we provide both (i) evidence that English-speaking children have the knowledge that VP-ellipsis is permitted in English, and (ii) evidence that Japanese-speaking children are sensitive to the absence of VP-ellipsis in Japanese. We explore theoretical consequences of these findings from child language.


“Exploring External Merge: A New Form of Sideward Movement” 高野 祐二 (金城学院大学 教授)

In this talk, I will explore a new possibility of External Merge. To account for certain surprising properties of Japanese multiple clefts, I will propose a new analysis of multiple clefts based on the idea that multiple focus elements form a single constituent created by sideward movement carried out by a new form of EM.


“On the Acquisition of Labeling” 村杉 恵子 (南山大学 教授)

The early child grammar is analyzed under Chomsky's (2013, 2015) minimalist approach. We argue that children at around the stage of Root Infinitives are trying to find out the exact system of fai-feature agreement and Case, and what helps children to bootstrap the adult system would be semantics (topi-comment relationship or predication).

“On the MaxElide Effect in Japanese” 高橋 大厚 (東北大学 教授)

This study examines whether MaxElide effects are observed in Japanese. While the condition has been studied so far primarily with interaction between sluicing and VP-ellipsis in English, I point out that relevant effects can be obtained by considering interaction between argument ellipsis and “sluicing” in Japanese, whereby giving credence to its cross-linguistic presence. Then I try to explain the effects by means of assumptions related to phases and labeling, deducing MaxElide from primitive concepts.