
プラシャント・パルデシ (国立国語研究所 理論・対照研究領域 教授)
平成29年11月4日 (土) 9:30~12:30
神戸大学 人文学研究科

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「統語・意味解析コーパスの開発と言語研究」第2回 共同研究会

9:00~9:30 受付

9:30~10:15 「NPCMJコーパスを用いた研究事例 ―実例から見るトキ節のテンス解釈 ―」 鈴木 彩香 (国立国語研究所)


10:15~11:00 「NPCMJコーパスを用いた研究事例 ―否定極性項目の節を超えた認可と副詞タイプについて ―」 井戸 美里 (国立国語研究所)

本発表では,NPCMJコーパスを用いた否定極性項目 (NPI) の分布に関する研究事例を紹介した。
特に,松井 (2003) が指摘するNPI副詞が節を超えて否定と呼応する現象について,NPCMJコーパスを用いることで,実例から必要な例文を採取できるだけでなく,本現象をより発展することができる示唆的な現象を多く見つけられることを示した。

11:00~11:45 "From Keyaki to ABC: A treebank conversion project" KUBOTA Yusuke (University of Tsukuba), MINESHIMA Koji (Ochanomizu University)

We report on the progress of a project of converting the Keyaki treebank to a categorial grammar (CG) treebank. Our CG treebank, tentatively named the 'ABC treebank' (AB grammar plus 'composition'), is designed to be a 'common denominator' of different variants of CG. We highlight aspects in which the rich encoding of grammatically relevant information in the Keyaki treebank has been useful in constructing a linguistically adequate CG treebank, and discuss some remaining challenges.

11:45~12:30 "Parsed corpus annotation (ad)ventures" Alastair BUTLER, NAGASAKI Iku, Stephen Wright HORN (NINJAL),
MIYATA Susanne (Aichi Shukotoku University),
ZHOU Zhen, YOSHIMOTO Kei (Tohoku University)

This talk is concerned with the exercise of annotating data for syntactic and semantic information. Such an enterprise rarely gets far before it becomes necessary to employ indexing to establish the presence of dependencies. Indexing is problematic since it is very costly to annotate in the first place, and subsequently can be fundamentally brittle, such that if changes are made to the existing annotation then the indexing can be broken. This talk considers annotation policies that have been applied to English, Contemporary Japanese, Old Japanese and Kolyma Yukaghir that make very limited use of indexing and yet capture an exceptionally rich range of dependencies for which indexing is typically assumed. But limits remain in what can be captured without recourse to any indexing whatsoever, and so indexing can still be required, and it will prove instructive to cash out the limits currently reached.