
プラシャント・パルデシ (国立国語研究所 理論・対照研究領域 教授)
平成29年6月9日 (金) 14:00~15:00
国立国語研究所 3階 セミナー室 (東京都立川市緑町10-2)

どなたでも参加可能ですが,参加人数を確認するため,事前に kasai.yoko[at]ninjal.ac.jp 宛にお申し込みください。([at]を@に変えてください。)


Title: "Japanese, English and Polish and the Typology of Tense" Speaker: OGIHARA Toshiyuki (Associate Professor, University of Washington)

Ogihara and Sharvit (2012) examine a number of critical languages (Japanese, English, Hebrew, Polish and Russian) and propose a comprehensive system in which the varied behavior of their tense morphemes in verb complements and relative clauses is accounted for cross-linguistically. In Ogihara and Sharvit (2012), Japanese is characterized as having a quantificational tense morpheme (as well as a pronominal tense). Sharvit (2013) expands the empirical coverage of this typological study of tense by adding ‘before’-clauses and concludes that Japanese mae ‘before’ clauses cannot occur in the past (-ta) tense form because a past tense would have an existential quantifier meaning and results in a presupposition failure based on Beaver and Condoravdi's (2003) work on before. In this presentation, I critically re-examine the existing work on tense typology mentioned above (especially the quantificational interpretation attributed to Japanese (past) tense, and Beaver and Condoravdi's proposal about before) and propose an alternative that is more satisfactory from the empirical and theoretical viewpoint.