NINJALコロキウム・講演会 平成29年度 (2017年度)
第90回 「人間と共に生きるシステム ~言語と仕草で雰囲気を作る~」
- 日時 : 2018年3月27日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 片上 大輔 (東京工芸大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 人工知能,ヒューマンエージェントインタラクション,雰囲気工学,人狼知能
- 主要業績 :
- 鳥海 不二夫,片上 大輔,大澤 博隆,他 (2016) 『人狼知能 ―だます・見破る・説得する人工知能』 森北出版.
- Daisuke Katagami, Mizuki Takei and Katsumi Nitta (2012) Process Estimation of Word-of-Mouth Information Spread Based on Ad Hoc Communications. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Information 16: 619-630.
- Daisuke Katagami, Ken Ogawa and Katsumi Nitta (2010) Robot Group Adaptation Gestures Based on Utterance Content and Social Position. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Information 14: 813-824.
第89回 「言語的メタ表象と心理的メタ表象の発達 ―多言語環境で育つ子どもを例として」
- 日時 : 2018年1月23日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 松井 智子 (東京学芸大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 語用論,発達心理学
- 主要業績 :
- Tomoko Matsui, Tagiru Nakamura, Akira Utsumi, et al. (2016) The role of prosody and context in sarcasm comprehension: Behavioral and fMRI evidence. Neuropsychologia 87: 74-84.
- Tomoko Matsui, Taeko Yamamoto, Yui Miura, et al. (2016) Young children's early sensitivity to linguistic indications of speaker certainty in their selective word learning. Lingua 175-176: 83-96.
- 松井 智子,須藤 美緒子 (2014) 「日本における言語的マイノリティ幼児の言語と社会性の発達」 『コミュニケーション障害学』 31(2): 90-101.
- 松井 智子 (2013) 『子どものうそ,大人の皮肉』 岩波書店.
- Tomoko Matsui (2000) Bridging and Relevance. John Benjamins.
第88回 「条件節と主題 : その類似性と相違性に関する考察」
- 日時 : 2018年1月16日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 富岡 諭 (外来研究員 / アメリカ,デラウェア大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 形式意味論,情報構造論,語用論
- 主要業績 :
- Satoshi Tomioka and Lan Kim (2017) The give-type benefactive constructions in Korean and Japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 3: 233-257.
- Satoshi Tomioka (2016) Information structure in Japanese. In: Caroline Féry and Shinichiro Ishihara (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure, 753-773. Oxford University Press.
- Satoshi Tomioka (2015) Embedded wa-phrases, predication, and judgment theory. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 33: 267-305.
- Yoshihisa Kitagawa, Katsuo Tamaoka and Satoshi Tomioka (2013) Prosodic matters in intervention effects in Japanese: An experimental study. Lingua 124: 41-63.
第87回 「観点を変える日本語の連体修飾構造」
- 日時 : 2017年12月12日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 松本 善子 (アメリカ,スタンフォード大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 日本語学,語用論,社会言語学
- 主要業績 :
- Yoshiko Matsumoto, Bernard Comrie and Peter Sells (Eds.) (2017) Noun-Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Rethinking Theoretical and Geographical Boundaries. John Benjamins.
- Yoshiko Matsumoto (Ed.) (2011) Faces of Aging: The Lived Experiences of the Elderly in Japan. Stanford University Press.
- Yoshiko Matsumoto (2011) Painful to playful: Quotidian frames in the conversational discourse of older Japanese women. Language in Society 40: 591-616.
- Yoshiko Matsumoto (1997) Noun-Modifying Constructions in Japanese: A Frame Semantic Approach. John Benjamins.
第86回 "Constructing a Syntactically Annotated Corpus for Grammatical Research"
- 日時 : 2017年12月8日 (金) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : Anthony KROCH (アメリカ,ペンシルべニア大学 教授),Beatrice SANTORINI (アメリカ,ペンシルべニア大学 Senior Fellow)
- 専門領域 : 歴史言語学
- 主要業績 :
- Charlotte Galves and Anthony Kroch (2016) Main Syntactic Changes from a Principle and Parameters View. In: W. Leo Wetzels, Sergio Menuzzi and João Costa (Eds.) The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Seth Kulick, Anthony Kroch and Beatrice Santorini (2014) The Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English: First Parsing Results and Analysis. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Seth Kulick, Ann Bies, Justin Mott, et al. (2014) Parser Evaluation Using Derivation Trees: A Complement to evalb. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Anthony S. Kroch (2001) Syntactic Change. In: Mark Baltin and Chris Collins (Eds.) The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory, 698-729. Blackwell.
- Beatrice Santorini (1995) Two types of verb-second in the history of Yiddish. In: Adrian Battye and Ian Roberts (Eds.) Clause structure and language change, 53-79. Oxford University Press.
- Anthony Kroch (1989) Reflexes of Grammar in Patterns of Language Change. Language Variation and Change 1: 199-244.
- 講演要旨 :
Over the past two and a half decades, we have been creating syntactically annotated corpora of English and other languages for the purposes of syntactic research, primarily historical. The English corpora that we at Penn and collaborators elsewhere have built now add up to approximately 10 million words of running text samples. Corpora of other languages built following our specifications, including Old
French, historical Portuguese and historical Icelandic, all include more than one million words of running text each. Our corpora use syntactic phrase structure in the annotation, augmented with so-called "dash tags" to add grammatical function information. The annotation is designed to make the corpora accessible to linguists who are accustomed to phrase structure representations; however, conversion to dependency representation is not difficult. The primary difference between our representations and those generally used in modern NLP applications is that we include considerably more syntactic information, including explicit representations of long-distance dependencies. The computational methods used for our corpora include automated tagging and parsing, guided annotation using semi-automatic tree transformations, and human correction by highly trained annotators. As a result, our rate of corpus construction from plain digitized text to the final product exceeds 1,500 words per hour and the accuracy of our annotations is high, with an estimated error rate of well under 1%. The tools we have developed for our work, CorpusSearch and Annotald, are freely available on the web to anyone interested in building similar corpora. Our goal in this presentation will be to introduce both our corpus annotation guidelines and our methods of corpus construction, and then to present an illustrative case study of the diachronic evolution of an English syntactic property, the so-called "verb-second" constraint, as it appears in our corpus data.
We hope thereby to show the kinds of results that our resources make it possible to uncover.
Over the past two and a half decades, we have been creating syntactically annotated corpora of English and other languages for the purposes of syntactic research, primarily historical. The English corpora that we at Penn and collaborators elsewhere have built now add up to approximately 10 million words of running text samples. Corpora of other languages built following our specifications, including Old
French, historical Portuguese and historical Icelandic, all include more than one million words of running text each. Our corpora use syntactic phrase structure in the annotation, augmented with so-called "dash tags" to add grammatical function information. The annotation is designed to make the corpora accessible to linguists who are accustomed to phrase structure representations; however, conversion to dependency representation is not difficult. The primary difference between our representations and those generally used in modern NLP applications is that we include considerably more syntactic information, including explicit representations of long-distance dependencies. The computational methods used for our corpora include automated tagging and parsing, guided annotation using semi-automatic tree transformations, and human correction by highly trained annotators. As a result, our rate of corpus construction from plain digitized text to the final product exceeds 1,500 words per hour and the accuracy of our annotations is high, with an estimated error rate of well under 1%. The tools we have developed for our work, CorpusSearch and Annotald, are freely available on the web to anyone interested in building similar corpora. Our goal in this presentation will be to introduce both our corpus annotation guidelines and our methods of corpus construction, and then to present an illustrative case study of the diachronic evolution of an English syntactic property, the so-called "verb-second" constraint, as it appears in our corpus data.
第85回 「統語・意味解析コーパス NPCMJ のアノテーション」
- 日時 : 2017年11月14日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 吉本 啓 (国立国語研究所 理論・対照研究領域 客員教員 / 東北大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 形式言語学,日本語文法,コーパス言語学
- 主要業績 :
- 吉本 啓,中村 裕昭 (2016) 『現代意味論入門』 くろしお出版.
- Kei Yoshimoto and Masahiro Kobayashi (2014) Floating Quantifiers in Japanese as Adverbial Anaphora. In: Eric McCready, Katsuhiko Yabushita and Kei Yoshimoto (Eds.) Formal Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond, 343-374. Springer.
- Kei Yoshimoto (2000) Tense and Aspect in Japanese and English. Second, revised edition. Peter Lang.
第84回 「歌舞伎自称詞の歴史言語学的研究 ―過去から現在を見る試み」
- 日時 : 2017年10月31日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : Katsue Akiba REYNOLDS (アメリカ,ハワイ大学 名誉教授)
- 専門領域 : 日本語言語学
- 主要業績 :
- Katsue Akiba Reynolds (2016) 「日本語における感情表出 ―「もう」の意味機能」 Pragmatic Particle moo in Japanese: Between Mind and Heart. 『ことば : 研究誌』 37: 72-94.
- れいのるず秋葉 かつえ (2014) 「村上小説における「女ことば」」 『ことば : 研究誌』 35: 3-16.
- Katsue Akiba Reynolds (2014) Calling for Anti-Shogun Movement- Inventing Modern Self in Letter Writing. Journal of Foreign Languages, Cultures and Civilizations 2(1): 55-64.
- Katsue Akiba Reynolds (2011) My Journey of Gender and Language Studies —Auto/Biographical Research Approach to the History of Women's Movement. 『日本語とジェンダー』 11: 4-18.
- Katsue Akiba Reynolds (2011) Female Speakers of Japanese in Transition. In: Jennifer Coats and Pia Pickler (Eds.) Language and Gender: A Reader. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
第83回 「古代日本語指示詞再考」
- 日時 : 2017年9月19日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 岡﨑 友子 (国立国語研究所 言語変化研究領域 客員教員 / 東洋大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 日本語学,国語学,文法通史
- 主要業績 :
- 岡﨑 友子 (2015) 「中古和文における接続表現について」近藤 泰弘,田中 牧郎,小木曽 智信 (編) 『コーパスと日本語史研究』 ひつじ書房.
- 岡﨑 友子 (2014) 「指示詞再考 ―コロケーション強度からみる中古のコノ・ソノ・カノ+名詞句―」 『日本語学』 33 (14): 139-150.
- 岡﨑 友子 (2011) 「指示詞系接続語の歴史的変化 ―中古の「カクテ・サテ」を中心に―」青木 博史 (編) 『日本語文法の歴史と変化』 くろしお出版.
- 岡﨑 友子 (2010) 『日本語指示詞の歴史的研究』 ひつじ書房.
第82回 "Contrastive Prosody and Grammatical Aspect in Native and Non-native Reference Resolution"
- 日時 : 2017年7月4日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : Amy J. SCHAFER (アメリカ,ハワイ大学 准教授)
- 専門領域 : 心理言語学,イントネーション
- 主要業績 :
- Heeyeon Dennison and Amy J. Schafer (to appear) Processing intonationally implicated contrast versus negation in American English. Language and Speech.
- Theres Grüter, Hannah Rohde and Amy J. Schafer (2017) Coreference and discourse coherence in L2: The roles of grammatical aspect and referential form. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7: 199-229.
- Shari R. Speer, Paul Warren and Amy J. Schafer (2011) Situationally independent prosodic phrasing. Laboratory Phonology 2: 35-98.
- Hyekyung Hwang and Amy J. Schafer (2009) Constituent length affects prosody and processing for a dative NP ambiguity in Korean. Journal of psycholinguistic research 38: 151-175.
- 講演要旨 : 「母語話者と非母語話者による代名詞指示物の決定 ―対比のプロソディーと文法的側面―」
- As a discourse unfolds, listeners must rapidly perform a series of processing decisions. These include the selection of the appropriate interpretation for pronouns such as ‘he’ and ‘she’. In many cases, the grammar allows more than one resolution, and so comprehenders must draw on additional information to guide their interpretation. This talk will present a series of experiments that tested how native-English speakers and Japanese- and Korean-native learners of English respond to different types of cues that can shape that choice. Specifically, the talk examines how contrastive prosody affects the processing of co-reference across sentences in a discourse, compared to another factor known to be important in discourse processing: event structure, as encoded by grammatical aspect. The results show both similarities and differences in how native and non-native speakers use these cues, and highlight the importance of teasing apart the series of decisions that must be made at multiple levels of grammatical representation during discourse processing.
第81回 「言語単位の境界指示から見た括弧構造」
- 日時 : 2017年6月13日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : Andrej BEKEŠ (スロベニア,リュブリャーナ大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 日本語学,日本語教育,テクスト研究
- 主要業績 :
- アンドレイ・ベケシュ (2015) 「文脈から見た文末表現と主題の持続 ―社説に潜む対話―」阿部 二郎,庵 功雄,佐藤 琢三 (編) 『文法・談話研究と日本語教育の接点』 243-264. くろしお出版.
- Andrej Bekeš (2012) Possibility of content shifts as predictors of the wa-topic in Japanese narrative. 鎌田 美千子, 曹 紅荃, 歌代 崇史, 他 (編) 『日本語学習支援の構築 ―言語教育・コーパス・システム開発―』 157-174. 凡人社.
- Andrej Bekeš (2008) Text and boundary : a sideways glance at textual phenomena in Japanese. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
- アンドレイ・ベケシュ (1987) 『テクストとシンタクス ―日本語におけるコヒージョンの実験的研究』,Frontier series 日本語研究叢書 1. くろしお出版.
第80回 "Introducing SCOSYA: The Scots Syntactic Atlas. Aims, Methodologies, Preliminary Results"
- 日時 : 2017年4月25日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : Caroline HEYCOCK (イギリス,エディンバラ大学 教授)
- 専門領域 : 統語理論,統語構造の変異と変化,ゲルマン語
- 主要業績 :
- Caroline Heycock and Hjalmar Petersen (in press) The HAVE/BE alternation in contemporary Faroese. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia.
- Jutta M. Hartmann and Caroline Heycock (Expected June 2017) Variation in copular agreement in Insular Scandinavian. In: Höskuldur Thráinsson, Caroline Heycock, Hjalmar P. Petersen, et al. (Eds.) Syntactic Variation in Insular Scandinavian. John Benjamins.
- Caroline Heycock and J. D. Sundquist (2017) Don't rush to rehabilitate: A remark on Koeneman and Zeijlstra 2014. Linguistic Inquiry 48: 173‒179.
- Caroline Heycock and Joel Wallenberg (2013) How variational acquisition drives syntactic change: The loss of verb movement in Scandinavian. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 16: 127‒157.
第79回 「日本留学前後の英語話者の日本語力をめぐって ― 相互行為能力としての「話す力」を考える ―」
- 日時 : 2017年4月18日 (火) 15:30~17:30
- 講師 : 岩﨑 典子 (イギリス,ロンドン大学SOAS Senior Lecturer)
- 専門領域 : 第二言語習得,外国語教育
- 主要業績 :
- Noriko Iwasaki, Peter Sells and Kimi Akita (Eds.) (2017) The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation. Routledge.
- Noriko Iwasaki (2013) Getting over the hedge: Acquisition of mitigating language in L2 Japanese. In: Celeste Kinginger (Ed.) Social and Cultural Aspects of Language Learning in Study Abroad, 239-268. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Noriko Iwasaki (2011) Filling social space with fillers: gains in social dimension after studying abroad in Japan. Japanese Language and Literature 45: 169-193.
- Noriko Iwasaki (2010) Style shifts among Japanese learners before and after study abroad in Japan: Becoming active social agents in Japanese. Applied Linguistics 31: 45-71.