Top> Poster session 1 (Jan. 25, 2013)

Poster session 1 (Jan. 25, 2013)

1. Mafuyu Kitahara and Kiyoko Yoneyama (Waseda University / Daito Bunka University) [abstract]
  "Voicing-dependent vowel duration in Japanese children"

2. Alexander Ratte (The Ohio State University) [abstract]
  "On the origins of Japanese dakuon obstruents: Evidence from Korean"

3. Shin-Ichiro Sano and Shigeto Kawahara (ICU / Rutgers University) [abstract]
  "The effect of place on geminate devoicing in the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese"

4. Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono and Raden Arief Nugroho (Dian Nuswantoro University) [abstract]
  "Errors in pronunciation of consonants by learners of English as a foreign language"

5. Kunio Kinjo (Sophia University) [abstract] 
  "Shortening of initial-geminates and long vowels in Shuri Okinawan poetry"

6. Yasushi Otaki (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / NINJAL) [abstract]
  "Consonant gemination in loanwords as preservation of syllable weight"

7. Toshio Matsuura (Hokusei Gakuen University) [abstract]
  "Voicing of obstruent geminates in Kyushu dialects of Japanese"

8. Daniel Scarpace and Jose Hualde (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) [abstract]
  "The production and perception of syntactic geminates in Spanish"

9. Hiroki Koga (Saga University) [abstract]
  "The morphologically regressively assimilated consonants"

10. Tatsuyuki Mimura (Muroran Institute of Technology) [abstract]
  "A semantic constraint on compound stress: With special reference to an exceptional stress assignment
  and alphabet-related words in Sandnes Norwegian"

11. Jason Ginsburg, Emiko Kaneko, Naomi Ogasawara and Ian Wilson
  (University of Aizu) [abstract]
  "Intonation of Wh-questions in the Aizu Dialect"

12. Clemens Poppe (University of Tokyo) [abstract]
  "Tone-vowel interaction in Matsue Japanese: The role of foot structure"

13. Sandrien van Ommen and René Kager (Utrecht University) [abstract]
  "Metrical segmentation in a cross-linguistic perspective"