Int'l Conferences>
GEMCON 2015>
Updated on August 04, 2015
Instructions for Poster Presenters
If you are a presenter and have not made your registration yet, please register your name for the workshop as soon as possible, by sending the required information to [].
If your co-authors wish to participate in the workshop, they should also be registered individually.
Usable space on the poster boards is 94.6 cm (wide) x 234 cm (high) maximally. (A0 portrait poster size, i.e. 84.1 cm (wide) x 118.9 cm (high), is recommended.)
Your poster should be in English.
Please try to use a large font size in your poster, so that the audience can easily
understand your poster when they stand, say, 1 meter away from it.
Poster presentations are divided into two groups, Group A and Group B, and numbered sequentially (e.g., “No. 5”). Please check your poster group and
number in the program in advance. Make sure to use the board marked with your poster number.
Please feel free to distribute subsidiary materials such as handouts, photocopies of your poster, and copies of your paper.
Please affix your poster to the board from 14:00 - 14:15.