August 02, 2015: There are only a few remaining seats.
Registration fee for the workshop: free
If you would like to attend GemCon 2015, please send us an email at []. Please write [GemCon registration] in the subject
line of your email and include the following information in your email:
1. Your name
2. Affiliation and country
3. Email address
4. Whether or not you are a student
Pre-registration will be accepted until the day before the workshop, on a first-come, first-served basis. However, it will be closed when it
has reached the capacity of the room (60 seats). So please pre-register at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment. When you register,
you will receive an email message confirming the receipt of your registration; if you do not hear from us within a week of your registration, please contact us again.
Oral & poster presenters: If your co-authors will also attend the workshop, they should also be registered individually.
Registration for the main conference of ICPhS 2015 is not mandatory if you only attend our workshop.