3/4/2016 Research Report (3) 2015 has been uploaded to the Updated REPORTS page.
The Database of the Interrogatives in Middle Japanese Materials with examples (preliminary version explanatory notes, Toraakira-bon Kyogensyu data) has been uploaded to the Materials/Database page. The materials will continue to be expanded or revised as required.
8/1/2015 International Workshop: Kakarimusubi from a Comparative Perspective is scheduled to take place on September 5(Sat), 6(Sun) at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) (Lecture Hall, 2nd floor). Click here for more information.
This work shop is hosted by both of NINJAL Collaborative Research projects:Typological and Historical/Comparative Research on the Languages of the Japanese Archipelago and its Environs, and A Diachronic Contrastive Study of Japanese Interrogatives.
The Database of the Interrogatives in Middle Japanese Materials with examples (preliminary version explanatory notes, Zangeroku data, Amakusa-ban Isoho Monogatari data) has been uploaded to the Materials/Database page. The materials will continue to be expanded or revised as required.
5/13/2015 Research Report (2) 2014 has been uploaded to the Updated REPORTS page.
5/12/2015 The 7th Research Workshop is scheduled to take place at Osaka University on 6/6/2015 (Sat) and 6/7/2015 (Sun). The program has been uploaded to the RESEARCH WORKSHOP page.
3/23/2015 PDF files of the handouts distributed at the 6th Research Workshop have been uploaded to the RESEARCH WORKSHOP page (where speakers gave their consent).
2/25/2015 The 6th Research Workshop is scheduled to take place on March 15 (Sun) at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) (Multipurpose Room, 2nd floor). The program has been uploaded to the RESEARCH WORKSHOP page.
1/7/2015 PDF files of the handouts distributed at the 1st to 5th Research Workshops have been uploaded to the RESEARCH WORKSHOP page (where speakers gave their consent).
11/10/2014 The 5th Research Workshop is scheduled to take place on December 6 (Sat) and 7 (Sun) at Osaka University. The program has been uploaded.
The program for the 4th Research Workshop has been uploaded.
4/22/2014 The 4th Research Workshop is scheduled to take place on June 21 (Sat) and 22 (Sun) at NINJAL.
4/8/2014 Research Report (1) 2013 has been uploaded to the Updated REPORTS page.
The Interrogative Survey Items have been uploaded.
Literature on Japanese Interrogatives (preliminary version) has been uploaded to the Materials/Database page.
12/12/2013 This website is online.
金水 敏(国立国語研究所客員教授/大阪大学大学院文学研究科教授)
Kinsui Satoshi (Visiting Professor at NINJAL / Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University)
有田 節子 (立命館大学言語教育情報研究科教授)
Arita Setsuko (Professor, Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science, Ritsumeikan University)
鄭 聖汝 (大阪大学大学院文学研究科講師)
Chung Sung Yeo (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University)
Davis, Christopher(琉球大学法文学部准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus)
江口 正(福岡大学人文学部教授)
Eguchi Tadashi (Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Fukuoka University)
日高 俊夫(九州国際大学国際関係学部准教授)
Hidaka Toshio (Associate Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Kyusyu International University)
井上 優(麗沢大学言語教育研究科教授)
Inoue Masaru (Professor, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Reitaku University)
岩崎 勝一(ハワイ大学マノア校教授)
Iwasaki Shoichi (Professor, the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa)
岩田 美穂(就実大学人文科学部講師)
Iwata Miho (Lecturer, Faculty of Human Studies, Shujitu University)
衣畑 智秀(福岡大学人文学部准教授)
Kinuhata Tomohide (Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Fukuoka University)
黒木 邦彦(神戸松蔭女子学院大学文学部准教授)
Kuroki Kunihiko (Associate Professor, Kobe Shoin Women’s University)
三宅 知宏(鶴見大学文学部教授)
Miyake Tomohiro (Professor, School of Literature, Tsurumi University)
森 勇太(関西大学文学部准教授)
Mori Yuta (Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Letters, Kansai University)
村杉 恵子(南山大学外国語学部教授)
Murasugi Keiko (Professor, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Nanzan University)
長崎 郁(国立国語研究所プロジェクトPDフェロー)
Nagasaki Iku (Project PD Fellow, NINJAL)
西垣内 泰介(神戸松蔭女子学院大学教授)
Nishigauchi Taisuke (Professor, Department of English, Kobe Shoin Women’s University)
志波 彩子(名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科准教授)
Shiba Ayako (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University)
高山 善行(福井大学教育地域科学部教授)
Takayama Yoshiyuki (Professor, Faculty of Education and Regional Studies, University of Fukui)
竹村 明日香 (お茶の水女子大学文教育学部助教)
Takemura Asuka (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Core Research, Humanities Division, Ochanomizu University)
富岡 諭(University of Delaware准教授)
Tomioka Satoshi (Associate Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science, University of Delaware)
外池 滋生(慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所兼任研究員)
Tonoike Shigeo (Adjunct Researcher, The Keio Institute of Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Keio University)
Russell, Kerri (Research Officer, University of Oxford)
Whitman, John (国立国語研究所教授 / Professor, Department of Crosslinguistic Studies, NINJAL)
矢島 正浩 (愛知教育大学人文社会科学系国語教育講座教授)
Yajima Masahiro (Professor, Aichi University of Education)
吉村 大樹(アンカラ大学講師)
Yoshimura Taiki (Lecturer, Ankara University)
張 麟声(大阪府立大学人間社会学部教授)
Zhang, Linsheng (Professor, Osaka Prefecture University)
松尾 愛(国立国語研究所/東京外国語大学・大学院生)
Matsuo Ai (Project Research Fellow, NINJAL / Graduate student of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
小野 舞子(国立国語研究所/お茶の水女子大学・大学院生)
Ono Maiko (Technical Assistant / Graduate student of Ochanomizu University)
This website aims to publish the accomplishments of A Diachronic Contrastive Study of Japanese Interrogatives, NINJAL Collaborative Research Project (Core Research Project).
Records of past research workshops are available for perusal. Users can also freely download PDF files of data and reports in the catalogue of interrogative-related literature, etc.
In addition, we frequently update the staff blog with news about our research activities.