kumagaigakuji – Word Prosody and Sentence Prosody https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody/ Fri, 09 Mar 2018 00:27:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.4 [Finished] The 4th project meeting 2018 (Prosody session) https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody&lang=en Fri, 09 Mar 2018 00:12:19 +0000 https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody We are pleased to announce that our 4th project meeting was held at Waseda University on Monday, March 5th, 2018.

The 4th project meeting 2018 (Prosody session)
Date: March 5th (Mon), 2018, 3:20pm – 6:10pm (during the 13th Phonology Festa)
Venue: Room no.405, Bldg. 16, Waseda University (Waseda campus)

Please see the following webpage for more details.

[Finished] The 3rd project meeting (JK prosody workshop) https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody&lang=en Thu, 26 Oct 2017 06:44:35 +0000 https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody The JK prosody workshop “Prosody and Prosodic Interfaces in Japanese and Korean” has successfully finished!

Date: October 11th (Wed), 2017, 10:00am – 5:20pm

Venue: Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa

For more details, please visit the following website:

JK25 Workshop: Prosody and Prosodic Interfaces in Japanese and Korean

[Finished] The 2nd project meeting 2017 (workshop) https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody&lang=en Thu, 26 Oct 2017 06:40:42 +0000 https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody We are pleased to announce that our 2nd project meeting was held at the Univeisity of Tokyo on Sunday, October 1st, 2017.

The 2nd project meeting 2017 (PSJ workshop)
Date: October 1st (Sun), 2017, 10am – 12pm (during the 31st meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan)
Venue: Room no.242, 4th floor, Bldg. A, the Univeisity of Tokyo at Hongo

Please see the following webpage for more detail.

Program [in Japanese]

Website for the workshop [in Japanese]


[Finished] The 1st project meeting 2017 https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody&lang=en Thu, 26 Oct 2017 06:36:06 +0000 https://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody We are pleased to announce that our 1st project meeting was held at NINJAL on Sunday, June 18th, 2017.

The 1st project meeting 2017
Date: June 18th (Sun), 2017, 1:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (Tokyo, Japan)

Please see the following webpage for more information.

Program [in Japanese]
