NINJAL ICPP 2019 (6th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology)
- 開催期日
- 2019年12月13日 (金) ~ 2019年12月15日 (日)
- 開催場所
- 立川総合研究棟 (※統計数理研究所の入っている建物です。) 2階 大会議室 (東京都立川市緑町10-3)
アクセス - 共催
- 対照言語学の観点から見た日本語の音声と文法 音声研究班 「語のプロソディーと文のプロソディー」
University of California Santa Cruz’s grant on SPOT (Syntax-Prosody in OT) - 参加費
- 一般 1,000円
学生 無料 - 参加申込
- 受付は締め切りました。お申し込みありがとうございました。
- 関連サイト
- 詳細はこちらのサイトをご覧ください。
- 連絡先
- ninjal_icpp[at][at]を@に置き換えてください。
Day 1: FRIDAY, December 13, 2019
[Session 1] Investigating Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory (SPOT)
- 10:05-10:20
ITO Junko, Armin MESTER (University of California, Santa Cruz) - 10:20-10:50
SPOT App Tutorial and Demonstration
Jennifer BELLIK, Nick KALIVODA (University of California, Santa Cruz) - 11:00-11:50
SPOT Case Studies- Japanese and Basque Phonological Phrasing
Jennifer BELLIK, Nick KALIVODA (University of California, Santa Cruz) - Recursive Phrasing in Italian
Nick VAN HANDEL (University of California, Santa Cruz) - Pronoun Alignment in Chamorro
Richard BIBBS (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Japanese and Basque Phonological Phrasing
[Session 2] Interface (1)
- 13:10-14:10
Issues in recursive prosody
ITO Junko, Armin MESTER (University of California, Santa Cruz) - 14:10-15:10
On the relation between syntactic and phonological clauses
ISHIHARA Shinichiro (Lund University)
[Session 3]
- 15:20-16:40
Poster Session I
[Session 4] Interface (2)
- 16:50-17:50
[Keynote] Constituent matches from spellout, mismatches from Phonology
Elisabeth SELKIRK (University of Massachusetts Amherst) - 18:00-20:00
Day 2: SATURDAY, December 14, 2019
[Session 5] Lexical Pitch Accent (1)
- 10:00-11:00
[Keynote] On the location of pitch accents
Carlos GUSSENHOVEN (Radboud University / National Chiao Tung University) - 11:00-12:00
Two-peakedness in Scandinavian – evidence from South Swedish
Sara MYRBERG (Lund University)
[Session 6]
- 13:10-14:30
Poster Session II
[Session 7] Lexical Pitch Accent (2)
- 14:40-15:40
Lexical lack of accent and dephrasing in Northern Bizkaian Basque
Gorka ELORDIETA (University of the Basque Country), Elisabeth SELKIRK (University of Massachusetts Amherst) - 15:40-16:25
Accent shift in Basque
José HUALDE (University of Illinois) - 16:45-17:45
Tone and stress as agents of cross-dialectal variation: the case of Serbian
Draga ZEC (Cornell University), Elizabeth ZSIGA (Georgetown University)
Day 3: SUNDAY, December 15, 2019
[Session 8] Lexical and Postlexical Prosody (1)
- 10:00-11:00
Dialect-specific prosodic phrasing in Japanese: With a focus on dialects without lexical tone contrasts
IGARASHI Yosuke (Hitotsubashi University) - 11:00-12:00
Interactions between lexical and postlexical tones: Evidence from Japanese
[Session 9] Lexical and Postlexical Prosody (2)
- 13:10-14:10
The interaction of tone and intonation in Uspanteko
Ryan BENNETT (University of California, Santa Cruz) - 14:10-15:10
[Keynote] Prosodic asymmetries in nominal vs. verbal phrases in Bantu
Larry HYMAN (University of California, Berkeley)