「言語の普遍性及び多様性を司る生得的制約:日本語獲得に基づく実証的研究」 研究会および発表会 概要

言語の普遍性及び多様性を司る生得的制約:日本語獲得に基づく実証的研究 (略称 : 日本語獲得研究)
村杉 (斎藤) 恵子 (南山大学)
2012年10月31日(水) 10:00~18:00
南山大学 名古屋キャンパス L棟 9階 大会議室 (〒466-8673 名古屋市昭和区山里町18) /dd>


研究会 (非公開)


議題提案者 : 木戸 康人 (南山大学 大学院生)
コメンテーター : Susan FISCHER


議題提案者 : 岩谷 悠馬,林 希朗,山本 晃之
コメンテーター : Susan FISCHER

研究発表 (公開)

16:30-18:00"Historical Change in Sign Languages"Susan FISCHER (CUNY Graduate Center)

Sign languages have a nearly unique position in historical linguistics; they have a different channel of communication, which may influence the grammar in some ways; they often occur in a bilingual environment, so that change comes from adjacency as well as language parentage; input is often from peers rather than parents; they are frequently stigmatized, have a gestural substrate, and bear some resemblance both socially and linguistically, to creoles. In this talk I discussed sign language families, lateral as well as historical influences, and talked about phonological, morphological, syntactic, and lexical change, with a focus on the borrowing of interrogatives in ASL via fingerspelling.