
接触方言学による「言語変容類型論」の構築 (略称 : 接触方言)
朝日 祥之 (国立国語研究所 時空間変異研究系 准教授)
平成24年4月7日 (土) 15:00~17:00
国立国語研究所 1階 大会議室


Community type, dialect contact and change Paul KERSWILL (University of York, Professor)

In this lecture, I expand on Trudgill’s theory of sociolinguistic typology to take in a wider range of speech community types, both in Scandinavia and the UK. I begin by outlining the theory, with illustrations from the history, particularly, of the Scandinavian languages in historical times (c. 1,100 years), showing that sustained high levels of language contact in the mainland countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden correlate with morphophonological simplification, while the small island nations of Faroe and Iceland maintained complexity and, in the case of Faroese, actually increased it. I then apply a four-way typology of British speech communities, following Henning Andersen’s (1988) notion of open vs. closed communities, which vary in their degree of outside contact, and exocentric vs. endocentric communities, where the degree of social psychological orientation to the outside varies. At the centre of the lecture is a discussion of the following types of community in relation to the four-way typology: general urban, metropolitan multiethnic inner-city, isolated inner-city, and peripheral rural.