
接触方言学による「言語変容類型論」の構築 (略称 : 接触方言)
朝日 祥之 (国立国語研究所 時空間変異研究系 准教授)
平成23年9月2日 (金) 13:00~17:00
国立国語研究所 1階 中会議室1


「ハワイ移民1世に見る方言接触 ―福島県出身者による文法形式の使用―」白岩 宏行 (京都光華女子大学 非常勤講師)

明治以降から昭和初期にいたるまで,日本からハワイへ多くの移民が渡ったことは知られているが,その大半は中国・九州地方を中心とした西日本出身者 (および沖縄県出身者) が占めている。そのなかで,東日本では福島県が最も多くの移民を送り出している。
今回は,この福島県出身移民に焦点をあて,残された録音資料から,東日本方言 (福島方言) 的な要素と西日本方言的な要素のそれぞれを拾い出し,文法形式を中心にその接触の様相について考えた。

Oral history records and linguistics: a case of the northern Japanese plantation immigrants in Hawai‘iHIRAMOTO Mie (National University of Singapore, Assistant Professor)

In this workshop, we discussed grammatical features seen in language contact situations. My presentation was based on oral history data collected in Hawai‘i. The speakers are first generation Japanese immigrants from Fukushima and Niigata who moved to Hawai‘i as sugar plantation laborers. The data were recorded at least after 40 years of their migration. I discussed characteristics of phonological, morphological, and lexical changes found among the speakers.
Concerning the changes at a phonological level, two features of Tohoku dialect, namely, intervocalic intervocalic characteristics and mergers, were analyzed. The intervocalic features include the voicing of [t] > [d] and [k] > [g], as well as intervocalic nasalization of a voiced velar consonant [g] > [ŋ]. The mergers include the sibilant merger [su] < [si], [su], [∫u] and the affricate merger [tsu/dzu] < [t∫i/dʒi], [tsu/dzu], [t∫u/dʒu]. The data show that all immigrant speakers eliminated the intervocalic features at a similar rate. At the same time, the speakers did not show the same rate of elimination when it came to the mergers. The speakers who interacted with non-Tohoku dialect speaking immigrants on a daily base eliminated the mergers more than the speakers who did not interact with non-Tohoku dialect speaking immigrants on a daily base.
At a morphological level, conjunctions kara/dakara were observed. The data indicate that speakers adopted Chugoku dialect forms ke/jake and used these forms in addition to their original Tohoku forms. Interestingly, the speakers pronounced both Tohoku and Chugoku forms with their phonology, e.g., dagara or jage. As for a lexical level, the first person pronouns were investigated. The speakers used their original form ora/ore the least. The most popular form used by the speakers was Standard Japanese watashi, followed by Chugoku dialect form washi. A few speakers used English loanword mi (from ‘me’). Similar to the result of the conjunction use, the speakers showed transfer of Tohoku phonology in the first person pronoun use. As a result some tokens were pronounced as wadasu or wasu.
Sociolinguistically speaking, Tohoku dialect was a stigmatized variety in Hawai‘i among Japanese immigrants and their descendants and it seems to be a reason for the Tohoku immigrants’ dialect change. They phonologically, the speakers who interacted closely with non- Tohoku dialect speakers eliminated a stereotypical zu-zu-ben features (the mergers) compared to the speakers who did not interact with non Tohoku immigrants on a daily base. The Tohoku speakers also avoided using an overt Tohoku first person pronoun ora/ore. However, while accepting non-Tohoku forms, such as Chugoku form washi or Standard Japanese watashi, speakers showed strong transfers of Tohoku phonology. It was the same for the use of conjunctions.
I concluded that based on the data investigated, the dialect changes seen among Tohoku dialect speakers support second dialect acquisition patterns suggested by other scholars. That is, phonology is difficult to eliminate for adult speakers while lexical features are the easiest to be replaced.

「戦後の北海道における方言接触 : 引揚者の持ち込んだ方言に着目して」朝日 祥之 (国立国語研究所 准教授)

本発表では戦後の北海道で観察された方言接触によって生じた言語変化を,終戦に伴い日本に引き上げた日本人の言語使用から考察した。北海道方言自体,移住者が使う日本各地の方言の接触による共通語化 (コイネ化) を経ている。その過程で,1940年代以降,札幌をはじめとする北海道内各地に引揚者が居住するようになる。彼らの多くは,樺太,千島列島の旧島民であった。彼らが現地で使用してきた方言が北海道に持ち込まれ,北海道各地の方言と接触することによって,彼らの言語使用にどのような変化が生じたのであろうか。本発表では,先行研究で指摘された事項をまとめたうえで,樺太,千島列島からの引揚者による自然談話資料にみられる言語的特徴 (カ行,タ行子音の有声化,2拍名詞のアクセント) の分析を行った。いずれの項目においても,それぞれ別の方向への言語変化が進行しており,引揚者自身を取り巻く状況によってその方向が決定される可能性を指摘した。