国際ワークショップ 「フレーム意味論とフレームネット」

窪薗 晴夫 (国立国語研究所 理論・対照研究領域 教授)
松本 曜 (国立国語研究所 理論・対照研究領域 教授)
平成30年5月8日 (火) 13:30~17:00
慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス 東館6階 G-LAB (東京都港区三田2-15-45)


13:30~14:20"Frame Semantics across Languages and Multilingual FrameNet" Collin BAKER (International Computer Science Institute, USA)

The original FrameNet project at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, has been working out the Frame Semantics of the English lexicon for more than 20 years. Researchers in many countries have been inspired to create Frame Semantic resources for roughly a dozen other languages, using a variety of methods and resources, including existing corpora, lexicons, and treebanks. This talk will discuss these projects and their methodologies, and also the status of the Multilingual FrameNet project now underway at ICSI. This project seeks to align the FrameNets across languages, at both the frame and lexical unit levels, using techniques including machine translation and cross-linguistic vector representations.

14:30~15:20"The Building Blocks of FrameNet Brasil: frames, constructions and relations" Tiago TORRENT (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil)

In this talk, I address both the changes implemented by FrameNet Brasil in the set of analytical procedures usually adopted by framenets, and, consequently, in the structure of the resulting language resource. I specifically discuss three aspects in which FrameNet Brasil differs from other framenets: the Frame Element to Frame relation, the Metonymy relation and the relations and constraints in the Constructicon.

15:30~16:20"Linking Japanese FrameNet with Kyoto University Case Frames" 小原 京子 (慶應義塾大学)

In this talk, I discuss an on-going project being carried out at RIKEN, by Daisuke Kawahara, Satoshi Sekine, Kentaro Inui and me. The project tries to link Japanese FrameNet (JFN) annotated sentences and Kyoto University Case Frames (KCF) example sentences that share the same meaning of a predicate, by way of crowdsourcing. JFN assigns a “semantic frame” to each sense of Japanese words. On the other hand, each “case frame” in KCF is a predicate-argument structure. Whereas JFN has been constructed manually so far, KCF was automatically constructed from 10 billion sentences taken from Web pages. We use JFN semantic frames to link the sentences in the two resources. Our preliminary results suggest that the proposed method for linking the resources via semantic frames is promising.
