What is the NPCMJ?
The NPCMJ is a morphologically and syntactically annotated corpus of spoken and written Contemporary Japanese. It makes possible the extraction and analysis of many kinds of Japanese linguistic data, such as function words, constituent structures, clause types, and complex constructions.

The contents of the tutorial:
We will make an overview of the texts in the corpus and the format of the data, and explain how to use the on-line interface, how to download search results, etc., and how to use off-line tools to take full advantage of the data.
With regard to the on-line interface, there is a tool with various string-search functions, and various tools for searching over tree structures. We recommend that participants take a look at the NPCMJ website in advance: https://npcmj.ninjal.ac.jp/interfaces/

What do you need to attend?
Each participant should bring a laptop computer. Firefox is the recommended browser. The ability to make a network connection is necessary. If you have your own router, it is advisable to bring it, just in case.

NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 13 March 2021, 10:00-17:00
Venue: Online (Using Zoom)

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 1 Feb 2020, 10:00-18:00
Venue: Shinagawa Intercity Hall and Conference

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 11 May 2019, 10:00-17:30
Venue: Hirosaki University

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 26 January 2019, 10:00-17:30
Venue: Tohoku University

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 21 June 2018, 15:00-17:00
Venue: Okayama Univesity

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


  • Kei Yoshimoto: Principles of corpus construction, overview of texts
  • Iku Nagasaki: Overview of the on-line interface, string search tool:w
  • Stephen Wright Horn: Data schema, Search language for tree structures (Tgrep-lite)
  • Ayaka Suzuki: Using off-line tools (Tregex and Tsurgeon)
NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 4 November 2017, 14:00-18:00
Venue: Kobe Univesity

Speaker: Alastair Butler, Stephen Wright Horn and Iku Nagasaki (NINJAL)

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 1 November 2017, 16:30-18:30
Venue: Ochanomizu Univesity

Speaker: Alastair Butler, Stephen Wright Horn and Iku Nagasaki (NINJAL)

The tutorial will be conducted in Japanese


NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) Tutorial

Date: 6 July 2017
Venue: Keio University