Yusuke Kubota (窪田 悠介) ========================= <IMG SRC="portrait.jpg" align="right" width="169"> <IMG SRC="tls.png" align="right" width="200"> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="cv.pdf"><strong>CV</strong></a></li> / <li><a href="papers/papers.html"><strong>Papers and presentations</strong></a></li> </ul> Associate Professor (准教授) <br> [National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (国立国語研究所)](https://www.ninjal.ac.jp/) <br> [**Researchmap page**](https://researchmap.jp/yusukekubota/) [Book review for *Type-Logical Syntax* by Chris Barker](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-linguistics/article/yusuke-kubota-robert-d-levine-typelogical-syntax-cambridge-ma-mit-press-2020-pp-xxii-397/4A01865E6DBCBCA0B217C5D450D30022) **Email:** <IMG SRC="mail.png" align="center"> --------------------------------- #### Research interests: Syntax, semantics, syntax-semantics interface, categorial grammar, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics 自然言語の統語論、意味論、計算言語学が主な専門分野です。 --------------------------------- #### 自己紹介的なもの: - [ことばの波止場 研究者紹介](https://kotobaken.jp/digest/10/d-10-06/) - [言語研究博覧会3「記述研究と計算言語学と理論言語学:「私自身の問い」を探しつづけて」(窪田悠介)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx1UilkOuFY) (YouTube動画; ちょっと長いです) 授業や共同研究においては、偶然の出会いを大切にしたいと考えています。人文系の研究においてさえ、目先の利益や一時の流行を追いかける営為に分野全体が傾きがちな世知辛い時代ですが、(もともと得意でない) 器用に振る舞えるふりをするのにちょっと疲れてきたので、逆風をもろに浴びながら、本当に興味深いことをのんびりとマイペースで探求していきたいと考えています。 <!-- --------------------------------- #### Recent: --> --------------------------------- <!-- Recent work --> #### Recent work - (upcoming) 「統語論において真の理論的研究は可能か?」岩波「科学」2024年6月号連載「人間の言語能力とは何か--生成文法からの問い」指定討論 - 九州大学言語学会研究会「Successive cyclicityについて」 [スライド](https://www2.ninjal.ac.jp/kubota/kyushu.pdf) - (under review, with Bob Levine) Against successive cyclicity: A proof-theoretic account of extraction pathway marking. [**LingBuzz**](https://lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/007782) - (2024, with Koyo Akuzawa) The lexical semantics of finite control: A view from Japanese. *NLLT*. [**Open Access**](https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-024-09613-9) - 窪田悠介・井戸美里「形式動的語用論の構築に向けて: 慣習的含意概念の再検討」田中廣明ほか(編) 『動的語用論の構築へ向けて』第4巻所収予定 - 山泉実・窪田悠介 (編) (近刊) 『言語学を科学哲学する』(大修館書店) - *Type-Logical Grammar: A Syntactic Introduction* (in progress, with Bob Levine; to be published from Cambridge University Press). The title of this book is very similar to our 2020 monograph, but this is a textbook on Type-Logical Grammar that we're currently working on. --------------------------------- <!-- JLLI --> #### Journal of Logic, Language and Information I'm now working as an associate editor for [JLLI](https://www.springer.com/journal/10849); If you are interested in submitting to our journal but are not sure whether it's the right venue for your work, don't hesitate to get in touch with me and I'd be happy to give you some input. --------------------------------- <!-- Misc. --> <a id="misc"></a> #### Some useful things <!-- - [RDx: A lightweight markup language for LaTeX](latex/rdx.html) (Try this if you think LaTeX source files are too complicated to edit.) - [Further thoughts on RDx](latex/rdx.html) (Wouldn't it be good if you could write definition for abbreviation **directly** in the file that you edit?) - [Simplifying BibTeX notation](bibtex.html) - [Evil mode in emacs](evil.html) (not yet written) (The evil mode in emacs is lovely, and very powerful.) --> - [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) - [Marp](https://marp.app/) -- a tool for writing presentation slides in markdown - [Strapdown.js](http://strapdownjs.com/) -- html template for markdown - Steven V. Miller's post on [writing a CV in R Markdown](http://svmiller.com/blog/2016/03/svm-r-markdown-cv/) - [Evil mode in emacs](https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Evil) - [text2bib](http://theory.economics.utoronto.ca/text2bib/) - Some good sources of BibTeX files (for linguistics) - [Rich Thomason's BibTeX Bibliographies](http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~rthomaso/bibs/) (fairly large and useful) - [Stefan M&uuml;ller's HPSG Bibliography](https://hpsg.hu-berlin.de/HPSG-Bib/) - [国語研蔵書 電子書籍 (所内限定)](ebook-list.html) (2022/05) --------------------------------- #### どうでもいいこと - [mozc.elで「句読点で即確定」にする設定](mozc.html) ---------------------------------