国立国語研究所 次世代言語科学研究センター Web Pages
Hiroaki Ozaki, Kanako Komiya, Masayuki Asahara, Toshinobu Ogiso (2024) “Long Unit Word Tokenization and Bunsetsu Segmentation of Historical Japanese, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages (ML4AL 2024), pp. 48–55. url
Lis Pereira, Fei Cheng, Wan Jou She, Masayuki Asahara, Ichiro Kobayashi (2024) “Prior Knowledge-Guided Adversarial Training”, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP-2024), pp. 51-57. url
Yoshiko Kawabata, Mai Omura, Hikari Konishi, Masayuki Asahara, Johane Takeuchi (2024) “Collection of Japanese Route Information Reference Expressions Using Maps as Stimuli”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding and Grounded Communication for Robotics (SpLU-RoboNLP 2024), pp. 30-35. url
Yu Tanaka (2024) “Productive Vowel Harmony In Sino-Japanese Phonology”, Proceedings of the 14th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIV) 2024, pp. 323-332. url
川端 良子・大村 舞・浅原 正幸・竹内 誉羽 (2024) 「Double Cross Model に基づく相対位置情報アノテーション」『自然言語処理』31巻3号 p.1356-1375. doi bib
Kohei Kajikawa, Yusuke Kubota and Yohei Oseki (2024) “Is Structure Dependence Shaped for Efficient Communication?: A Case Study on Coordination”, Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, pp.291-302. url
Sachi Kato, Masayuki Asahara (2024) “Assigning Impression Rating Information to the `Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese’”, Proceedings of PACLIC 38, (To Appear)
Yosuke Takubo, Masayuki Asahara, Makoto Yamazaki (To Appear), “Analyzing Japanese texts with evaluation of randomness in binary “, Mathematical Modelling in Linguistics and Text Analysis: Theory and Applications
大村 舞・若狭 絢・松田 寛・浅原 正幸 (2025)「日本語日常会話コーパスのUniversal Dependencies: UD_Japanese-CEJC」『自然言語処理』32巻1号 (To Appear)
Natsumi Funasaki, Masataka Yano (2024) “Role of prosody and word order in identifying focus: evidence from pupillometry”, Language, Cognition, and Neurosicence, pp.1–18. doi
Masataka Yano, Keiyu Niikuni, Ruri Shimura, Natsumi Funasaki, Masatoshi oizumi (2024), “Producing non-basic word orders in (in)felicitous contexts: evidence from pupillometry and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)”, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, pp. 1–22. doi